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August Reading List

Published:Suggest Changes

I moved apartments this month, and let me tell you, regardless of how many times I’ve moved in the past five years, it’s still an ordeal every single time. On the plus side, I now live in walking distance to Christopher’s Books, which makes me very happy. I managed to squeeze five books in this month.

  1. Conviction: The premise of this book has so much promise; the story is basically about how a quiet woman’s life gets disrupted when she becomes an active part of a true crime podcast that she’s listening to. Unfortunately what starts with a bang ends with a damp fizzle, the plot becomes clunky and contrived, the ending is unsatisfying too.
  2. The Body in Question: I really enjoyed this book. The writing was stark and the story was crisp, I don’t think I will remember this for years to come but I appreciated it for what it was in the moment.
  3. The Guest List: Your standard Agatha Christie style murder mystery with a modern twist. The setting of the book felt very cinematic; I imagined this gloomy, gothic island in Ireland, which is what made this book marginally better.
  4. Redhead by the Side of the Road: I’d call this more of a novella and less of a novel, it reminded me fondly of The Golden Gate, perhaps because of Micah the protagonist. It evoked some type of nostalgia in me for a simpler time, even though the story is set in the present,
  5. Wine Simple: A Totally Approachable Guide from a World-Class Sommelier: This book is stunning (just look at it)! The cover caught my eye in the store almost immediately and I had to have it. Fortunately, the contents of the book are pretty great too. I’m a novice wine enthusiast and this book covers all the bases without pandering too much to a specific class of wine drinker.

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