How I’m navigating NFTs and web3

I’ve never been a huge crypto nerd. I vaguely heard about Bitcoin in 2012 when friends were making questionable purchases on Silk Road, and that cemented my perception of crypto being sketchy. When I moved to the U.S. in 2016 though, it was hard to avoid the topic, especially in business school. I read theContinue reading “How I’m navigating NFTs and web3”

30 things I’ve learned at 30

I turned 30 last week and it felt like a foregone conclusion. Partly because I was dreading and/or anticipating the big 3-0 throughout my 29th year and partly because time has become an abstract concept during COVID. I wanted to get off the hedonic treadmill for a second to reflect on the last three decades.Continue reading “30 things I’ve learned at 30”