I’ve been working my way through a list of product/business books, most of which I discovered through Shreyas‘ recommendations. The first book I read was The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick and dang, there is so much great content packed into this tiny package. I can’t believe it took me this long to discover it.Continue reading “The Mom Test”
Author Archives: Nikitha
How I’m navigating NFTs and web3
I’ve never been a huge crypto nerd. I vaguely heard about Bitcoin in 2012 when friends were making questionable purchases on Silk Road, and that cemented my perception of crypto being sketchy. When I moved to the U.S. in 2016 though, it was hard to avoid the topic, especially in business school. I read theContinue reading “How I’m navigating NFTs and web3”
Domain specific interviews for Product Management roles in Google Cloud
I’ve been getting a TON of questions about how to prepare for domain specific product management interviews for Google Cloud, and honestly I don’t have a straightforward answer. But I’m going to attempt it anyway. To begin with, per my understanding, the domain specific interviews are unique to PM roles in Google Cloud. As GoogleContinue reading “Domain specific interviews for Product Management roles in Google Cloud”
30 things I’ve learned at 30
I turned 30 last week and it felt like a foregone conclusion. Partly because I was dreading and/or anticipating the big 3-0 throughout my 29th year and partly because time has become an abstract concept during COVID. I wanted to get off the hedonic treadmill for a second to reflect on the last three decades.Continue reading “30 things I’ve learned at 30”
Onboarding to a PM role at Google
I spend hours, nay days writing a thoughtful, well-researched blog post and it gets zero attention. But it’s this hastily written post about landing a PM role at Google that went viral. Such is life I guess. I gained a lot of new subscribers too—thank you for your support! If there’s specific topics you’d likeContinue reading “Onboarding to a PM role at Google”
Tips to land a Product Management role at Google
I rang in 2022 with exciting news – I joined Google as a product manager! I work in the Google Cloud team, with a focus on Technical Infrastructure that powers Google Search, Ads and YouTube among other Google applications and services. Google has always been a holy grail company for me. This might be inexplicableContinue reading “Tips to land a Product Management role at Google”
First Principles with Gojek: B2B vs B2C product management
My talk in the #FirstPrinciples series at Gojek went live recently. If you missed it, here it is!
Cloud is eating software
Software is eating the world Marc Andreessen immortalized the phrase in his essay in 2011. An updated version of that statement today might be “cloud is eating software”. Moving to the cloud (especially if you didn’t already start there) has become a no-brainer for an entire class of companies. Despite the challenges of the transition,Continue reading “Cloud is eating software”
Forest or the trees?
I recently shipped the biggest feature I have ever shipped. In the grand scheme of things it wasn’t even that big, but I wrote the first version of the product requirements in February 2020 and the feature was announced to the world in April 2021. The gestational period of this thing was longer than thatContinue reading “Forest or the trees?”
Why Kubernetes and How to Develop Applications for Kubernetes?
I gave my first technical talk on Kubernetes with Aparna Subramanian (Director of R&D at VMware) in a session organized by Women Who Code. It was a fun challenge to relay everything I’ve learnt over the past two years in an easily digestible way to an audience that was mostly starting from scratch. Here is aContinue reading “Why Kubernetes and How to Develop Applications for Kubernetes?”